Guala es pasión 
Our story
Guala-Hands in action
Melvin Cruz and Marco Mejía were classmates. Marco was born with a deformity in his right hand and Melvin wanted to help him. They heard about limb prothesis elaborated with 3D printed technology. So, they started dreaming, to somehow make this dream come true. Their project was really close to come true when Melvin received a UGRAD scholarship to study a semester abroad at the United States in the University of Minnesota. Starting 2015, he received 3D impression courses, developing expertise about this amazing technology, this was a big step to accomplish his goal.


3D Prothesis
We create totally mechanic 3D printed prothesis with biodegradable materials. The 3D technology allows us to make them 100% personalized according to each user´s style.

Gualabs are activities where students from schools, high schools and universities learn to create a prothesis. This device, is donated by Guala and Gualab students to a final user.

We create spaces where companies partner with us to change lives, their collaborators participate in this big project. JOIN OUR FAMILY!

We are comprised of a great team of volunteers from different careers and places, our main requirement to be part of our family is to be passionate and dedicated! Apply to be a volunteer.

Directive Board

Fernando Alcántara
Roberto Pineda
Christian Juárez
Ángel Martínez
Luis Erazo
David Vargas
Rodrigo Orellana